Overseas네이처브이 NMN 벌크 파우더 100g 흡수빠른 분말타입
160,000 96,000Won
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Product Status New Product Product Number 170900237803977437
Product Status New Product
Product Number 170900237803977437
Delivery Method delivery Delivery Region Available National
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Delivery Region Available National
Issue Receipt Online cash receipt issued Origin (Shaanxi HerBen Bio)
Issue Receipt Online cash receipt issued
Origin (Shaanxi HerBen Bio)
Brand 네이처브이
A/S Guidance

A/S Phone Number : 01079011044


제품명 네이처브이 NMN 벌크 파우더 100g NatureV NMN NAD+bulk(100g)
제조업소의 명칭과 소재지 Shaanxi HerBen Bioenginnering Co., LTD, Xi`an Zhiyuan
소비기한 및 보관방법 제품에 표기된 제조연월로 부터 2년, 직사광선을 피하여 25도 이하의 서늘한 곳에 보관하십시오
포장단위별 내용물의 용량(중량), 수량 1Pack / 100g
원료명 및 함량 β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide 99.7%
영양정보 상품상세참조
기능정보 상품상세참조
섭취량, 섭취방법, 섭취 시 주의사항 및 부작용 발생 가능성 상품상세참조
의약품 여부 본 제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다.
유전자변형건강식품에 해당하는 경우의 표시 아니오.
수입 건강기능식품 문구 수입식품안전관리특별법에 따른 수입신고를 필함
소비자안전을 위한 주의사항 임산부나 수유 중인 여성, 어린이는 섭취하지 마세요. 질병이 있거나 약을 복용 중인 경우, 전문의와 상담 후 섭취하세요.
소비자상담관련 전화번호 01079011044
Seller Designated Delivery Company 한진택배
Return Delivery Cost One Way 30,000Won (If initially free, the imposed amount : 60,000Won) Exchange Delivery Cost 60,000Won
Return Address Xingjialing Community, Tongji Street, Jimo District, Qingdao Sael Microelectronic, 266200, China Mainland
Return/Exchange Standard
  • You can apply within 7 days after receiving the product. (Buyer bears the return shipping cost in case of buyer's fault)
  • In case of inconsistency with display/advertising, or different from contract performance, you can exchange/return within 3 months after receiving the product or within 30 days after learning the fact different from display/advertising. (Seller bears the return shipping cost)
  • Returns/exchanges are not possible if one of the above cases has passed.
Reasons for Non-returnable/Non-exchangeable
  1. If the return request period has passed
  2. If the product etc. has been destroyed or damaged due to the buyer's responsibility (except if the packaging etc. was damaged to check the content of the product)
  3. If the packaging has been damaged due to the buyer's responsibility and the value of the product has significantly decreased (e.g., clothes with the label fallen off or luxury goods with the tag fallen off)
  4. If the value of the product has significantly decreased due to the buyer's use or partial consumption (e.g., clothes with the label fallen off or luxury goods with the tag fallen off)
  5. If the value of the product etc. has significantly decreased over time to the extent that resale is difficult
  6. In the case of custom-made products that are made according to the buyer's request (when non-recoverable damage is expected to the seller and it is agreed in writing that the exercise of the right of withdrawal is not possible)
  7. If the packaging of reproducible products etc. has been damaged (in the case of CDs/DVDs/GAMES/books, when the packaging is opened)
  • The return regulations under the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. take precedence over the seller's designated return conditions.
  • If a minor purchases goods, if the legal representative does not agree, the minor himself or the legal representative can cancel the purchase.
  • When purchasing certified goods such as industrial goods and electrical appliances, please check if the product is permitted under laws such as the Electrical Appliances and Living Goods Safety Management Act.
  • If you do not use Burst's payment system and trade directly with the seller, you may not receive the product or receive a different product from the purchased product, so please be careful.
  • The registered sales items and content are registered by the seller and Burst Co., Ltd. operating Burst does not take any responsibility for the content registered on Burst.
Store Name 팡팡 스토어
Store CEO 박희준
Customer Service Center Business Registration Number 356-86-02827
Business Location [22302] 인천광역시 연수구 인천타워대로54번길 15-3 501,502호 R407
Mail Order Business Number 2023-인천연수구-1061 Email jsonkate@naver.com
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